Wednesday, July 8, 2009

HAPPY 1st Birthday!!!

If we could have a lifetime wish
A dream that would come true,
We'd pray to God with all our hearts
FOr yesturday & you.
A thousand words can't bring you back
We know because we've tried...
Niether A thousand tears
We know because we've cried...
You left behind our broken hearts
And Happy Memories too...
BUt we never wanted memories
We only wanted you

Our hearts are so painfully torn.
We know the truth of heaven but it just doesn't
give us YOU!
We wanted to see you crawl, walk, roll
We wanted to sing Happy Birthday to You
I wanted you to say Mama
Josiah wanted to have a bubu to play with
Kayla wanted to hold you more & more
Daddy wanted to carry you upon his shoulders.
WHY? you had to go.... I just don't know!
My life will forever be changed because there was you.