Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Okay, so I hope you all noticed the new link at the top of my side bar. http://pages.teamintraining.org/ntx/bigd09/jpopst (I don't know how to do this link stuff to well) BUT PLEASE!!

I know the economy is bad right now, for everyone all over!!
We are all in this world together. In one way or another we all affect people around us, whether positive or negative our choices and decisions, do have an impact on those around us.

This is a very good cause. My children, husband & I came up with a very creative idea to help raise money for this GREAT cause:
We have discussed what is the something we can do? -
WE ARE GOING TO RECYCLE ALUMINUM SODA CANS and whatever redemptive value we receive we will make that our donation.

So see, even in a bad economy there are ways we can make a difference. People who suffer from this disease need us to stand in the gap!! WE NEED TO BE THERE FOR THEM IN ANY WAY WE CAN!!!

well 2 reasons!

1.) A very dear Friend of our families is running the marathon to raise money.
2.) My 14 year old nephew(from my brothers side) is in remission right now from a very fast type of leukemia. He was diagnosed when he was just eight years old and has undergone numerous extenuating treatments. He has lost all of his hair, lost tons of weight gotten both back after much hardship endured. WE have almost lost him 3 times!! BUT THANKS BE TO GOD FOR HIS MERCY & THE KNOWLEDGE HE HAS GIVEN MEDICAL SCIENCE AND FOR PEOPLE LIKE OUR DEAR FRIEND & OTHERS who are not complacent. People who DO; as if it were for their very own!!
*I know this is sorta tugging at your heart strings but in your head you are thinking " I am barely making it. I don't have money. " etc. etc.
PLEASE take a look at your children, parents, spouses, friends and know that someone just like them are suffering the pain of cancer!!

It is ALL of us putting in our nickels, dimes and pennies that can make a difference!!!
* In closing I just want to share a thought that crossed my mind;
In the Bible Jesus said, "WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR THESE YOU HAVE DONE UNTO ME" the bible also says that one day He(Jesus) will tell us "when I was sick, you attended to me, when I was cold you, clothed me, when I was hungry , you fed me. When I was in need you helped me. WEll DONE"

honestly, even a $1.oo donation would help someones loved one. WE can all come up with at least one dollar, right? PLEASE DO WHAT IS TUGGING AT YOUR HEART! PLEASE!!
* A few ideas:
ask 5 or 10 people at your church groups, circle of friends, job sites to donate just $1.00 and donate in a group. Or set up a can at your desk. Pass the word along. There are lots of ways we can all do a little something and know that WE were each a part of something great!! talk to your kids about it. They are full of ideas. And it is a great project for school credit. Many schools here in California do a Character Counts Service Project as a requirement. Or for the younger kids as an incentive to be creative & care about the world we live in. LET'S SET A GOOD EXAMPLE!!

Let me know some of your creative ideas :~)