Friday, September 19, 2008


Well It's Friday!!! YIPPY!!! Steve is on his way back from picking up Kayla for the weekend :) can't wait... I missed her!!! she does'nt know that I rearranged her room and put in a new throw rug for her!!! She also has no clue that her daddy is stopping by uncle Ben's to bring Maddie over for a sleep over!!! Josiah is still napping.


  1. Oh Marie,

    Josiah is getting so big and is so darned cute. I am praying for you girl and I hope you have a wonderful weekend with Kayla and Maddie there too. A full house brings joy to the heart. Soak in the love.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  2. You "sound" good today, it warms my heart. Have a great weekend with your family!

  3. Hey Momma, hope the weekend +Kayla is great! Sounds like you're pretty excited! I wish I'd dared to make the hat bigger. I didn't want to scare you, that's why I made it the size I did. That hat probably would have fit Joshua when he was first born, and maybe for the next month. At the end there was only one hat that fit - and that ones was difficult to get off the last time (when it ruptured). I so appreciate that you know ... it's strange now to think someone else gets it. Encephalocele's a strange to look at. I wish I had emailed you a photo of his 'cele the way it was later on - the early photo makes it look so small. At the end it was enormous. And terrifying to see. I guess I was trying my best to protect. I hope that doesn't upset you.

    Carrying on with life is strange some days. But there are still good days - days when it's fun to hang with Oceana and friends. And then there's days when I'm just not very friendly. I find I stop talking to people and sorta glaze over (very easy to do at church for me). And I guess it's normal. I think Matt wonders about me sometimes, but it comes and goes. Expect that. Expect weirdness from yourself. Every once in a while it's gonna fluke out...

    Hope you're doing okay Marie. You're definitely in my thoughts.
